sobota, 13 grudnia 2014

Match the photo with the Website!

As I observed recently, the same photo can have different effect on the various Websites over Internet.

Selling on-line leaves us with no choice but to have great photos and promote!

There are a lot of social media and galleries, that can be helpful, but the trouble is that the photo working miracles on Facebook won't work so good on ETSY or Deviantart.

How to match your item photos with your social media pages and galleries? 

Here's a few tips!


There are 5 photos that can be used, and I am sure buyers look at all 5 :) But obviously, the first photo, that becomes your thumbnail, is the most important.
YES: The photos should be square or horizontal, with a neutral background (white, gray or delicate wood). The photo should be natural, without a watermark or your signature / icon.
NO: Compilation, photo manipulation, frames etc simply won't work.
My most popular ETSY item and photo, the 'Trees in Blue' silk scarf


As I observed, my most popular pictures are the ones with a lot of details. Photo-manipulation works great! YES: DeviantArt is all about composition, colors and complicity.
NO: None of my close - ups or single item shots are as popular as my combined (GIMP edited) images.
 One of my most popular DeviantArt... but not on ETSY - the Pareo version of Trees in Blue.


Facebook loves close - ups and details and add - ons like your avatar or signature on the picture... or even a quote from your positive ETSY feedback.
Oh, and a peek behind the curtains :) Show your workshop, your creative process, your sketches!
YES: Details or close - up, strong shading to be visible on your friends walls. Pictures while working.
NO: The picture itself should not be to big, because FB does not show the original size of the picture and small fonts may be unreadable.

Night Queen silk scarf while painting... worked well on FB but won't work on ETSY nor DeviantArt.

Let me know what are your experience! What do you think?
What about the Pinterest? 
What about a Blogpost? 

czwartek, 4 grudnia 2014

Peacock scarf and... how to pimp up your close up?

Peacock silk scarves with lighting effect - thank you Photogramio

Recently, I have found a fantastic webpage called Photogramio  for editing photos. It's user panel is very cool, try it! :) it looks like a old - fasioned photo studio and it add effect similar to Instagram.

I had a great time playing with it and now I wanted to share with you one of the photos of my ready-to-go Peacock scarf.

 Edited close-up of  Peacock scarves and the un-edited photo.

The picture was first re-sized in GIMP (from 350dpi to 72dpi which is a standard monitor resolution). Then the picture was brightened - up a little with contrast and brightness options.
The Photogramio was used to create the lighting lens effect. I like it as it makes the picture more umm... magical -I suppose - is the word I am looking for ;)

Please let me know what do you think! 

I am testing this edited picture now as a front photo for this ready to go silk scarves. I am very curious will it affect Peacock scarves popularity?